This helper simplifies the integration platform functions.
How to submit Triggers that only reaches selected Subscribers
using CopylAPI_Services.Context;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace *YOUR_NAMESPACE*.Helpers
public class CopylIntegrationPlatformHelper
private readonly CopylContext _context;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public CopylIntegrationPlatformHelper(CopylContext copylContext, ILogger logger)
_context = copylContext;
_logger = logger;
public async Task SendEventToCIPAsync(
IConfiguration configuration,
dynamic _obj,
string triggerName,
string Authorization,
string[]? credentials = null) // Accept an array of key-value pair strings
// Parse and validate credentials if provided
if (credentials != null && credentials.Length > 0)
// Parse credentials into a dictionary
var credentialDictionary = ParseCredentials(credentials);
bool allCredentialsValid = await ValidateCredentialsAsync(configuration, credentialDictionary);
if (!allCredentialsValid)
return; // Exit if any credential is invalid
// Post to Copyl Integration Platform
CopylHelper.Entities.IntegrationAppTriggerEventDTO _triggerEvent = new();
_triggerEvent.SysCode = configuration["AppSettings:AppName"] + "." + triggerName;
_triggerEvent.EnterpriseId = new Guid("*YOUR_ENTERPRISEID*");
_triggerEvent.ApiKey = new Guid("*YOUR_APIKEY*");
_triggerEvent.Authorization = Authorization;
_triggerEvent.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_obj, new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.ExpandoObjectConverter());
// Call the PublishTriggerToCopylAsync method
_ = await CopylHelper.Trigger.PublishTriggerToCopylAsync(
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex,$"Unhandled exception when posting trigger to Copyl app: '{triggerName}'. Error: {ex.Message}");
// Helper method for parsing credentials
private Dictionary<string, string> ParseCredentials(string[] credentials)
var credentialDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var credential in credentials)
var parts = credential.Split(':', 2); // Split into key and value
if (parts.Length == 2)
credentialDictionary[parts[0].Trim()] = parts[1].Trim(); // Add to dictionary
_logger.LogError($"Invalid credential format: {credential}. Expected format: 'key: value'.");
return credentialDictionary;
// Updated validation method
private async Task<bool> ValidateCredentialsAsync(IConfiguration configuration, Dictionary<string, string> credentialDictionary)
var sysCode = configuration["AppSettings:AppName"];
// Retrieve integration apps with the specified name
IList<Guid> integrationAppIds = await _context.IntegrationApps
.Where(x => x.SysCode == sysCode)
.Select(x => x.Id)
// Validate each credential key-value pair
foreach (var credential in credentialDictionary)
string key = credential.Key;
string value = credential.Value;
//bool credentialIsValid = await _context.IntegrationAppCredentialParams
// .AnyAsync(c => c.Name == $"{key}: {value}" && integrationAppIds.Contains(c.IntegrationAppId));
bool credentialIsValid = await _context.IntegrationAppCredentialParams
.AnyAsync(c => c.Name == key && c.Description == value && integrationAppIds.Contains(c.IntegrationAppId));
if (!credentialIsValid)
return false; // Return false if any credential is invalid
return true; // All credentials are valid