Copyl Integration Platform is one of the most complete IPaaS on the market today. Some of the core features are Data Transformation, Integration Connectors, Dynamic Secret Management, Encryption, Triggers and Data watchers.

Copyl supports both no-code-integrations and integrated code snippets in your APIs to report Triggers.


This picture illustrates the concept of an Integration App that has Actions, that are used in Steps in an Integration. All data that is queried and attached is available as StepData during the entire execution of the integration.


Actions is the methods and endpoints you have on your Integration App.


Your API can report events, called Triggers, when something has happened that could potentially start an integration. You add one row to each method that should report the Trigger. You get all source code needed.

Getting Started

Setup Copyl Integration Platform in your API (.Net)


For Developers

Integration Connectors

Scripting Support in Integrations

AI Gateway Documentation

How to set up a Datawatcher for effective data monitoring

How to submit Triggers that only reaches selected Subscribers

Integration Helper source code


How to avoid Vendor Lock-In for your integration solution

Evaluating When to Use the Integration Platform

API Reference

🟧 All our public APIs

FAQs about the Integration Platform


Authentication and Authorization

Access to all the endpoints requires passing an Authorization header. Two methods of authorization are supported:

  1. JWT Token - Pass a JWT as a Bearer token in the Authorization header.
  2. API Key - Pass an API key in the Authorization header and provide the EnterpriseId header for verification.

Both methods require correct configuration to ensure successful access. Each approach is described below in detail.

Endpoint: Get All Integrations

Sample Request

Using JWT Token

GET /integrations HTTP/1.1
Host: [<>](<>)
[](<>)Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <Subscription Key>

Using API Key

GET /integrations HTTP/1.1
Host: [<>](<>)
Authorization: ApiKey <Your API Key>
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <Subscription Key>
EnterpriseId: <Enterprise GUID>


Two ways – pre-defined Triggers or ad-hoc Triggers